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Yoga asana

pronounced ahh-sana

Movement your body is made to do

Favorite areas of focus

and additional offerings

Restorative & Yin Yoga

Seeking stillness or a chance to rest? Restorative and yin yoga offer supported relaxation and poses for release. Great for meditation, workout recovery, frazzled nerves & exhaustion

Alignment Focused

Gain sustainable strength & functional flexibility with poses that promote a healthy posture, safe structured stretching & improved physical health

Pranayam Practice

Regulating your life force, your breath is an invaluable tool for improving wellness. Every class will encourage you to bring awareness to your breath, or teach specific breathing exercises

Creative Combinations

One size does not fit all! For yogaphobes, parents without childcare or those craving to mix it up, ask about Mommy & Me, Yoga Dance Parties, YogiBoxing & Yogilates!


Your Yoga on Your Time!

Offering sliding scale rates on individual & small group classes customized for your specific goals, needs and preferences for your practice


Create your personalized movement practice

in the comfort of your own home

via zoom, skype or duo!

30 minutes


60 minutes


90 minutes


Schedule your session today!

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